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Chapter 8

Traffic Safety Measures, 3m, avery wraps, chapter 8, high visibility, highway maintenance, road maintenance, motorway maintenance

High Visibility Markings

Chapter 8 of the Traffic signs Manual ( Traffic Safety Measures & Signs for Road Works & Temporary Situations ) was issued by the Department of Transport. It provides guidelines for companies operating on public highways on a range of issues including what conspicuous markings are required on Vehicles that stop for work purposes or inspection purposes on all public highways.

chapter 8

Pyramid Visuals proudly supplies and fits high visibility markings for vehicles that operate and stop on highspeed, public highways

Who does Chpater 8 affect?

It affects any operator of large or small vehicles from HGV's to road mainenance trucks, small vans and cars that intentionally stop for work or inspection purposes on high speed roads.

Are there different requirements for different types of vehicles?

While all vehicles MUST be marked up, there are varying requirements.

Four marking options exist, but it is generally accepted that high visibility film markings maximise the benefits associated with being seen.

In addition, Maintenaince vehicles need to have a Highways Maintenance or Motorway Maintenance legend when they are working on motorways. These have to be of a certain size to comply with Chapter 8 Legislation. Also, in temporary traffic management situations, inspection, supervisory, maintenance and management vehicles require a Highway Maintenance sign that must be applied to the rear of the vehicle.

Where do the markings need to be?

The high visibility film markings have to be on the rear of the vehicle. They should comprise of either of the following:

1. chevron markings comprising alternate strips of fluorescent red retro-reflective material and flourescent yellow non retro-reflective material of not less than 150mm width each, inclined at 45-60° to the horizontal and pointing upwards, or

2. A solid block of flourescent orange-red retro-reflective material.

The markings should cover as much of the rear facing portion of the vehicle as possible without obscuring the windows, the vehicle's lighting or it's registration plates.

Red retro-reflective tape should also be applied to all rear facing edges of doors, rails or equipment lockers.

Where can I get advice?

Pyramid Visuals will gladly assist you in your queries and additional information may be obtained by visiting the Department for Transport's website at

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